Wednesday 29 April 2015

Two Inches from my Soul

Two Inches from my Soul
There is no Angel for the whole world, but one different for every heart. - A.Qin, April 29th 2015

Where have you,
With your seraphic wings,
Take off to
When the sky finally became clear in my eyes?

When the days were young,
In lonely afternoons,
Demons began their feast,
Crawling to a feeble body, chewing on its thin skin.

Their black flames covered her azure paradise,
As columns of smoke,
With the smell of burning flesh,
Formed the bars of an impenetrable cage.

As some traveling Birds wondered about the Fire,
Its Heat climbed the sky
And stabbed their eyes,
Eyes that suddenly became blind.

When her world became a furnace,
When her ears was solely listening to the rumbling of the flames,
When the sky was abandoned by almost all celestial beings,
You called the clouds and asked for a light drizzle.

Then, gradually, the Rain,
The Miracle of your words,
Devoured the Fire
And drowned the Demons.

However, like a gust of warm wind,
You brushed past this bruised soul,
With the gentleness and the subtleness of the thin air
That the child could only see through, but not perceive.

One decade died
As two words of gratitude lingered in her mouth,
As she searched for white feathers that shall fill her chest believed to be empty,
The invisible Feathers that had lain two inches from her.

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